Zuzanna Rybarczyk

Trenerka metody Tellington TTouch®

Welcome to my page!

My name is Zuza Rybarczyk and I am a canine holistic therapist, as well as Tellington TTouch® and Canine Flow® practitioner.

After many years of my spiritual and personal development, as well as observing the relationship and emotional ties between people and their dogs, I was inspired to look at “behavioral problems” from a completely different perspective. In my work I focus on supporting the carers in fulfilling the needs of their canine friends, enhancing the understanding and communication between them, as well as I implement tools like tuning fork therapy, aromatics, flower essences and spiritual approach.

I gained my knowledge and experience by traveling in the USA, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, South Africa, Taiwan, Italy and Austria. For me, there are no limits when it comes to further training and acquiring new skills, which help me carry out my mission to show owners a completely different approach towards their dogs. My goal is to show you that a profound change in your dog’s behaviour and your own development are possible only if you pluck up the courage to look into your inner self in the first place. It’s a truly fascinating path. Maybe it’s not the easiest one, but if you decide to follow it, everything will change. You’ll see for yourself!

I show some of my work on my YouTube channel if you’d like to see and hear about what I do 🙂

Just click HERE and you’ll get re-directed.

Want to invite me to collaborate?
